Política de envío


We offer FREE Standard Shipping on all PR and US orders over $100 dollars. We also offer FREE In-Store and Curbside Pickup for online orders. For orders under $100, we offer a flat rate of $5 for shipping.

Shipping Time Frame

Please note that shipping times are approximated from the time your purchase leaves our warehouse and are not guarantee. Please allow 3 to 5 business days from the date of purchase for your order to ship (unless otherwise noted).

Orders placed over the weekend or on holidays will be processed on the next business day. In the event of any delay, we will notify you via email.

Shipping and Handling

You agree to pay any shipping and handling charges shown at the time you make a purchase. We reserve the right to increase, decrease, add or eliminate shipping and handling charges from time to time; however, we will provide notice of the changes applicable to you before you make your purchase. Unless we state otherwise, risk of loss or damage to an item passes to you upon delivery of the item to your specified delivery location.